I woke up this morning and realized that when confronted with the issue of not being able to speak, I resort to incomprehensible hand motions and grabbing at my throat trying to tell my father that I am incapable of speech. He told me to go back to bed. So I did, failed, and spent time playing on this here computer-y thing. I did eventually take a nap, and it was particularly odd, especially because I haven't really remembered a dream in ages.
It started off with me attempting to walk up a hill to school. Dillion was there, along with Alex (aka rather charming manwhore who shows up in my dreams a lot) and his girlfriend. I was woozy and kept falling down, so Dillion had to give me a piggyback ride. I'm surprised that I didn't grab his extremely long, unicorn jizz-conditioned hair and act as if it was the reins to a pony. I was, however, extremely confused, as this is something he'd never do in reality. Then this guy came and yelled at us for walking on the hill, I'm not sure of the specific reasons but I just know that I ended up shirtless (as per usual. It's a staple of my dreams) and running around a building that was somehow school-related. I assume it was such because in frantically running around (because panicking is clearly more effective than looking for shirt-like materials in the immediate area), I ran into this ginger girl who's in my English class and she told me there was some sort of meeting there.
Eventually Lauren found me (she was wearing this super super cute rather innocent scene-y boy we know, Frankie's, glasses) and directed me to this woman that I don't recognize at all, but she gave me a sort of hijab-like garment and a dress to cover myself. I somehow gathered that she was Muslim. I was pretty fond of her, and judging by how I later saw my mother in this building and they had a particularly lengthy conversation that I didn't understand, so I also assumed that she was Filipino.
I don't remember what happened to connect x and y, but somehow I managed to lose my hijab and freak out (I'm pretty sure the rest of me was still clothed, though), then I was back on the hill at school and this man, the same one who'd yelled at Dillion and I, had unleashed puppies. HOMICIDAL PUPPIES. EVERYWHERE.
Then I woke up. I proceeded to Google the significance of having dreams of shirtlessness, as I seem to be incapable of going ONE DREAM fully clothed. The first page of results says that I either have financial worries or wish to express my love for something. Dillion also thought that it meant I crave freedom, which would make sense, but in searching, that never came up. My initial thought was that it had something to do with my boatloads of insecurity.
Anyway, just don't do acid before you take naps,
Andrea! <3
Thursday, February 23, 2012
This is why I can't take naps.
Baby Jesus,
weird dreams
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Why Am I Awake?
It's four twenty in the morning. I'm awake and dressed, sans jewelry. Maybe I'll actually do my hair today. And I have to make Fox his medal and ham sandwich. I'm not entirely sure where to acquire the hooker/s I promised him, though. I could do it, 'cause apparently I dress like a cheap hooker; however, I can think of at least twenty ways that could go wrong. And I need to finish up other obligations, too. I am so behiiind. I just want to bury myself in books, because it's a way to seem like I might actually possess some semblance of intelligence while really just procrastinating on the art I owe people. And I have a bunch of those I need to read, too. I'm working on The Restoration Game and Clockwork Angel simultaneously right now, since I've finished The Fellowship of the Ring and the Looking Glass Wars trilogy. And someone who will be referred to as Mephistopheles simply because he refuses to divulge his identity to anybody (I'm not certain I'm complaining. It gives a forum full of girls an amusing stalk-quest) already recommended to me American Gods and Good Omens, and people can't recommend books to me without me absolutely dying to read them. I am going to get so behind. Right when I was actually making some progress in the read-your-dang-books area.
Speaking of behind, maybe I should make breakfast or something,
Andrea! <3
P.S. -- I think a ladybug just landed in my lap....
Speaking of behind, maybe I should make breakfast or something,
Andrea! <3
P.S. -- I think a ladybug just landed in my lap....
Monday, February 13, 2012
Oblige me by not Actually Reading This Rant.
I think, in fancy-psychology-people terms, there should be a word for teenage-girl-specific bipolarity. Over the weekend and today, I've barely been able to spend an hour within the same mood. I started sending the anonymous llama online to calm myself down after a fight with Lauren, and that helped, but tonight I'm just... Argh.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
I have Spent my Sunday
Sending this llama to random people online.

I really should be more productive.
I really should be more productive.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Wednesday, Lacking in its Usual Misery
I believe my dad's philosophy on life is "Whatever doesn't kill you is absolutely delicious." I can't think of a food he doesn't love, outside of shellfish. 'Cause that would kill him. (Not a summary.)
I went to Links today, and Tasha said to Jacob: "Kara said you do." As the resident snoop and person-that-hits-on-everything,-and-by-everything-I-mean-especially-Jacob, I have made it my personal business to discover just what Jacob is doing that Tasha refuses to tell me about. She said it was "inappropriate." I really hope she doesn't believe that will deter me. It merely drives me crazy! She somehow implied that he was with someone. My reaction was to point at him and make incoherent noises until I could ask who he was whoring around with. Tasha claimed it was himself, but I believe that's too obvious an answer (then again, he is the "good" one out of all of us. Maybe excluding Rhea in decency, but definitely the most innocent). Then Megan joined in, and it became too chaotic to decipher anything. Somehow she interpreted that Jacob takes it up the butt.
I'm pretty sure that's not what Tasha was talking about; however, as she hasn't shown herself on Facebook for me to nag her until I discover this lovely little tidbit of information, it can't be ruled out.
I've actually done a good majority of my homework tonight, aside from I can never bring myself to write the journals for English. I really just have no desire to contemplate the implications of humans suddenly growing two thumbs on each hand. Lauren was distraught over how this would result in a lack of middle finger, whereas Matt was confused out of his mind. He spent a good amount of time yelling "IMPOSSIBRU!!" and questioning everybody in the immediate area. I just assumed that there was a lot of inbreeding going on.
Ms. S: "Well, think about the state of the ozone, the state of the environment and surrounding pollution, the state of technology..."
Lauren: "...Not to mention the state we're in....."
Ah, good ol' West Virginia. But I wasn't the only one. Casey, this guy who sits across the room and says some of the most ridiculously entertaining things sometimes tried to offer an explanation to the class at one point:
"Okay. So take a brother and a sister, and another brother and sister. Then one brother gets with the sister, and the other gets with the other, then THEIR kids have kids, and then their daughter's a WHORE!!!"
Ms. S then went on to pretend he said "horror," as Casey is one of the least discreet people I've ever encountered. He's also so clueless sometimes that it's hilarious, but I think it may be a case of obfuscating stupidity.
Since we're currently reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in there as well, we had previously had a class discussion about our "adventures" with our childhood "gangs." I sat in the corner and inconspicuously ate beef and broccoli, because I was an antisocial child who lived in the town with a grand population of ten, and therefore had no stories. I guess Casey managed to give himself a concussion or something, Lauren tried to sled her younger sister into the "abyss" (then left her there, because, in Lauren's words "I tried to push her, but she was too heavy!"), aaaand Chris and Abbie somehow sledded off Chris's garage using cookie tins. That last one perplexes me.... How did they not die? My older sister was the more adventurous of the two of us, I think. I, obviously, spend way too much time on the computer to be adventurous.
It snowed like crazy earlier (and guess what idiot wore a miniskirt and thigh-highs instead of, oh, maybe PANTS!?), so I'm hoping for a two-hour delay tomorrow. A snow day is doubtful, and nobody else wants on, 'cause if we only have one more, then we'll be released from school in May. I don't care either way, but everybody else seems to.
Cross your fingers so I can get more sleep,
Andrea! <3
I went to Links today, and Tasha said to Jacob: "Kara said you do." As the resident snoop and person-that-hits-on-everything,-and-by-everything-I-mean-especially-Jacob, I have made it my personal business to discover just what Jacob is doing that Tasha refuses to tell me about. She said it was "inappropriate." I really hope she doesn't believe that will deter me. It merely drives me crazy! She somehow implied that he was with someone. My reaction was to point at him and make incoherent noises until I could ask who he was whoring around with. Tasha claimed it was himself, but I believe that's too obvious an answer (then again, he is the "good" one out of all of us. Maybe excluding Rhea in decency, but definitely the most innocent). Then Megan joined in, and it became too chaotic to decipher anything. Somehow she interpreted that Jacob takes it up the butt.
I'm pretty sure that's not what Tasha was talking about; however, as she hasn't shown herself on Facebook for me to nag her until I discover this lovely little tidbit of information, it can't be ruled out.
I've actually done a good majority of my homework tonight, aside from I can never bring myself to write the journals for English. I really just have no desire to contemplate the implications of humans suddenly growing two thumbs on each hand. Lauren was distraught over how this would result in a lack of middle finger, whereas Matt was confused out of his mind. He spent a good amount of time yelling "IMPOSSIBRU!!" and questioning everybody in the immediate area. I just assumed that there was a lot of inbreeding going on.
Ms. S: "Well, think about the state of the ozone, the state of the environment and surrounding pollution, the state of technology..."
Lauren: "...Not to mention the state we're in....."
Ah, good ol' West Virginia. But I wasn't the only one. Casey, this guy who sits across the room and says some of the most ridiculously entertaining things sometimes tried to offer an explanation to the class at one point:
"Okay. So take a brother and a sister, and another brother and sister. Then one brother gets with the sister, and the other gets with the other, then THEIR kids have kids, and then their daughter's a WHORE!!!"
Ms. S then went on to pretend he said "horror," as Casey is one of the least discreet people I've ever encountered. He's also so clueless sometimes that it's hilarious, but I think it may be a case of obfuscating stupidity.
Since we're currently reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in there as well, we had previously had a class discussion about our "adventures" with our childhood "gangs." I sat in the corner and inconspicuously ate beef and broccoli, because I was an antisocial child who lived in the town with a grand population of ten, and therefore had no stories. I guess Casey managed to give himself a concussion or something, Lauren tried to sled her younger sister into the "abyss" (then left her there, because, in Lauren's words "I tried to push her, but she was too heavy!"), aaaand Chris and Abbie somehow sledded off Chris's garage using cookie tins. That last one perplexes me.... How did they not die? My older sister was the more adventurous of the two of us, I think. I, obviously, spend way too much time on the computer to be adventurous.
It snowed like crazy earlier (and guess what idiot wore a miniskirt and thigh-highs instead of, oh, maybe PANTS!?), so I'm hoping for a two-hour delay tomorrow. A snow day is doubtful, and nobody else wants on, 'cause if we only have one more, then we'll be released from school in May. I don't care either way, but everybody else seems to.
Cross your fingers so I can get more sleep,
Andrea! <3
English class,
living under the proverbial rock,
redneck jokes,
Saturday, February 4, 2012
AU's and Rope. But Mainly AU's.
Sooo... That picture. Little!Simon is disappointed in the weeaboo which is his female alter ego. But she is. As far as I'm concerned, chick!Little!Simon is obsessed with androgynous 2D boys boning each other, and I think I want to draw her some more, if only because the concept cracks me up.
I'm also considering genderbending or inverting some of my other friends. The last time we attending Creative Writing club, Ali and I somehow went off on a yarn about an alternate universe where KFC doesn't exist and everybody is the opposite of what they are. This effectively turned Ali and I into exaggerated versions each other: She became emotionally volatile and promiscuous, and I became proper and sophisticated. I'm also probably one of those girls who wear Ugg boots and skinny jeans religiously. Our other friends exist here, too, but chances are a lot of us would despise each other but that seems to happen enough already. I'll talk about it later.
Drama Club was Wednesday, along with Links. In the former, someone left the rope near me during an improv game, which is a horrible idea, regardless of the fact that I don't improv. I'm horrible at it. Simply horrible Jesus Mary Joseph I am a stammering tomato. Nonetheless, I GOT TO PLAY WITH ROPE!! :D Along with a very reluctant Colby.
During Links, my usual lover, Megan, was sick with something we now suspect to be gallbladder-related, so I had to ask Tasha out instead. In response, her boyfriend, Damian, pouted. Adorably. My assumption now is just that everybody in our little Links-clique-y thing has to be my lover at least once. Or at least all the girls. Jacob counts as a girl 'cause he won't tell us what he/she/IT is. Also discovered that Jacob's crotch doesn't tell time. And that is the most depressing thing ever. I'm gonna go cry now.
Andrea! <3
P.S.-- Simon friend requested me on Facebook a couple nights ago. I'm both confused and suspicious. Ali says not to read into it, but people just don't do that after they give you the silent treatment for three-or-so months. ... Or do they? I don't know. Maybe he just wants to tag himself in the bazillions of pictures that I take that he coincidentally ends up in.
"I don't have that chair..." "STFU your furniture choice changes with your gender." |
Drama Club was Wednesday, along with Links. In the former, someone left the rope near me during an improv game, which is a horrible idea, regardless of the fact that I don't improv. I'm horrible at it. Simply horrible Jesus Mary Joseph I am a stammering tomato. Nonetheless, I GOT TO PLAY WITH ROPE!! :D Along with a very reluctant Colby.
See? He gets this face every time I go near him with rope and/or a camera. He expects it by now. |
Andrea! <3
P.S.-- Simon friend requested me on Facebook a couple nights ago. I'm both confused and suspicious. Ali says not to read into it, but people just don't do that after they give you the silent treatment for three-or-so months. ... Or do they? I don't know. Maybe he just wants to tag himself in the bazillions of pictures that I take that he coincidentally ends up in.
alternate universe,
drama club,
Little Simon,
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