Saturday, March 17, 2012


The GSA acceptance and rejection letters were mailed out yesterday, and most of my friends who applied have received theirs back already. So far I know of two acceptances and two rejections. If the trend in which we only have two attendees go from this county continues, I'm already fucked, but of course, living in the far reaches of the county, I don't get to know for sure until Monday.

Lauren, who decided that it is a very very bad idea to argue with the interviewer after receiving her rejection letter (although she says she doesn't care too much since she has other options. Seeing as Lauren does evvvvvverything, I don't doubt it), keeps telling me that she's sure that I made it in. BUT I DON'T KNOOOOOW.
My dad is trying to be helpful, whereas my mother... Well, um, she's not Oprah for a reason. I flipped out at her when she started talking about Colby vs Tasha (the latter made it in, whereas the former did not. I'm quite proud of Tasha, but I'm still a little sad about Colby). My mom and I both have yet to learn the general rule of "If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all." It wasn't even that bad, really, I just... I dunno. Get fiercely protective sometimes.


In other news: I had yet another weird dream last night. This one didn't involve any of the usual factors to frustrate me, but the scenes within it were all so strangely disjointed that I don't know what to think. Butbutbut STEAMPUNK THEATRE KIDS so everything is better. I also realized, thanks to Tika posting a little status about how she danced in somebody's arms last night in her dreams, that my head may be telling me that romance takes a backseat to surrealism and nudity (bolded for truth/emphasis).

OH, and somebody had a dream about ME within the past couple of weeks! However, it is not within my jurisdiction to indulge you with details. I had to do a fair amount of demanding to receive the story myself, 'cause... 'Cause...

I don't have a vague, yet plausible excuse,
Andrea! <3

1 comment:

Ada Beth Croft said...

I hope you make it in!
And oh yeah, my dad, he's not Dr. Phil for a reason too. Like, his only thing to cheer me up is, " least you aren't dead..but you WILL die someday..quit crying."
