Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Top Hat, My Ass."

I found this lovely list of obscure (not to mention irrelevant to the title) words on tumblr recently. Regardless of how dubious I am about their legitimacy as words (the only ones I previously knew were "dystopia" and "malapert"), I think they deserve more attention.

Cheiloproclitic - Being attracted to someone's lips.
Quidnunc - One who always has to know what is going on.
Ultracrepidarian - Of one who speaks or offers opinions on matters beyond his or her knowledge.
Apodyopsis - The act of mentally undressing someone.
Gymnophoria - The sensation that someone is mentally undressing you.
Tarantism - The urge to overcome melancholy by dancing.
Autolatry - The worship of one’s self.
Cagamosis - An unhappy marriage.
Gargalesthesia - The sensation caused my tickling.
Capernoited - Slightly intoxicated or tipsy.
Lalochezia - The use of abusive language to relieve stress or ease pain.
Cataglottism - Kissing with tongue.
Basorexia - An overwhelming desire to kiss.
Brontide - The low rumbling of distant thunder.
Grapholagnia - The urge to stare at obscene pictures.
Agelast - A person who never laughs.
Wanweird - An unhappy fate.
Dystopia - Am imaginary place of total misery. A metaphor for hell.
Petrichor - The smell of dry rain on the ground.
Anagapesis - The feeling when one no longer loves someone he or she once did.
Malapert - Clever in manners of speech.
Duende - Unusual power to attract or charm.
Concilliabule - A secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot.
Strikhedonia - The pleasure of being able to say “to hell with it.”
Lygerastia - The condition of one who is only amorous when the lights are out.

Ayurnamat - The philosophy that there is no point in worrying about events that cannot be changed.
Sphallolalia - Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere.
Baisemain - A kiss on the hand.
Druxy - Something that looks good on the outside, but is actually rotten inside.
Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people in which each loves the other but are both too afraid to make the first move.

I think "Sphallolalia" may as well be my given name. I also had to Cha Cha "Apodyopsis" yesterday afternoon so that I could write it upon my hand. Whether or not anybody will receive the complementary "Gymnophoria" on his or hers is yet to be seen. The two words go very well with my oversized pin stating "I'm imagining you naked." Ali and I showed it to everybody today, and most everybody was either very entertained or a little disturbed. However, on the way to 4th with Lauren and Mark, I showed it to Mark, who responded "You too!" I was dumbstruck; Lauren was being unhelpful and staring at the lockers in the opposite direction, so I couldn't look to her for words. She did, however, utter the title later. SUCH A SUPPORTIVE FRIEND.

With brontide,
Andrea! <3

P.S. -- I also saw Cody today right after running up the stairs and squeezing between some football players in order to make it to to my preferred route. Somehow, him shouting "ANDREA!! I don't even need to say it. You already know what I'm going to say!" (for those who don't know, it's ritual for Cody to remind me that I need to get laid every time he sees me)  absolutely made my day. I feel like I ought to demand that he bake me this cake if I ever do lose my virginity. I'm gonna deserve a fucking cake by then!

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