In other news, I stayed after school for my first rehearsal of Honk! this evening. It's quite the cute musical; this song has stuck with me all evening. It's just ridiculously cute, and Damian sings it. His distinct southern accent always makes me giggle. I've known him for 2+ years now, and I still can't get over it!
Then I become sad and lonely because of my nonexistent relationship life... Okay not that depressed. I don't really even care that much right now. I seem to become more apathetic by the day.
I just watched rehearsal today. Sometime this week I should actually start managing. This cast is probably about half the size of our last show's, Miss Nelson is Missing/Miss Nelson has a Field Day, and there are far fewer scene changes, so it'll be a bit of a breather. Lauren and I are nonetheless scheduling in our emotional breakdowns. Lauren has regional Social Studies Fair one afternoon before the first performance, and PTA meetings on the last night, so those nights are hers. I have the second night simply because I always seem to be unstable and depressed on those nights. Oh well. I survive. I think it'll be fun, though!
Andrea! <3
P.S. -- I saw a freshieman boy I talk to occasionally with a "BRONY" shirt today. I nearly squealed. I, however, restrained myself, seeing as it was eight in the morning. We just exchanged smiles and went our ways. I think I may beat him up and run away with his shirt the next time he wears it, though.
Boys. I always get mad because my parents hate boys even though I'm almost 17..pffft.
And that music is catchy! I used to be in theatre and it was really fun!
Accents, <3
My parents don't mind boys, but my mother does prefer that I spend my time studying. I don't really study either way, though... Heh.
It IS catchy. It refused to remove itself from my head aaaaaall day yesterday; one of my friends sang it, because that apparently is supposed to help with that, but it didn't really do any good aside from getting us funny looks during English.
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