Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Procrastination, procrastination, how I excel at thee...

I come to you in the midst of the last several weeks of school, aka the Land of Tests and Projects. I kick ass at tests. Projects, not so much. They tend to require craftiness, something I lack. My last project, a five-page report (part of which I must present to the class), is due Tuesday. Five pages isn't much of a challenge, but I don't find Hamlet a very exciting read. Blasphemous, eh? I've gotten back to reading a bit more, though, mainly 'cause this computer is prehistoric and prone to fits of narcolepsy. I've been nagging at my father to get a new one, but we can't really afford it right now. I'm just frustrated because I feel as if I'm surrounded by faulty technology everywhere. My faithful Playstation 2, which I have owned since I was in... Oh, second grade?, decided to go into perpetual disc error mode a couple months ago, so I can't watch DVDs (the computer dies; the television downstairs is really confusing, and nobody knows how to switch from Dish to the DVD player/VCR. Plus I'd have to share, and I hate it when people watch me when I'm watching tv. Yeah, I only watch cartoons. Problem? ) or play video games. I even gave Colby my Kingdom Hearts II disc... Farewell, my friend. ;-;

You have no idea how obsessed I was with this game as a seventh grader.
Back to reading. My butt is twitching. What the heck is up with that? Ali lent me the first of the True Blood books, so I'm giving it a chance. I also finished the second part of The Bachman Books, and I gave up after it. The Long Walk was a riveting and emotionally challenging story, but I think it played a part in the anxiety attack I had the same night after I read to about the midway point. I don't think I can get through the other two (especially after the plethora of creepypasta I so carelessly consumed the other night), so I need to return the book to Baby Jesus.

Andrea! <3


dillion bowman said...

sorry bout the book....

Andrea said...

It's alright. It's not your fault, and I haven't been scarred for life or anything like that. Besides, it's been a very interesting read. :D

Rage didn't bother me like The Long Walk did, so I'm still considering reading the other two stories.