I hate it when so much has happened since my last post that I don't know what points to highlight and elaborate upon. Usually when it happens, I chicken out and procrastinate for as long as possible. I nearly wrote this last night, but I stayed awake until six and didn't consider blogging until four. I don't trust myself to make decisions that late at night, because it would probably derail into how much I love a guy who can cutely pull off a fishnet shirt, and that's a post for another time. I'm also being pestered to write on boobs sometime (hi Dillion), so.. I suppose that will also happen eventually. Dearie me.
Last Friday about thirty theatre students went to Pittsburgh to ride the incline, play around in Carnegie, and watch a production of Jesus Christ Superstar. As the title could imply, chaos ensued. You see, our sophomores kinda just hate each other. Many of us are friends, but there are five or so of us who just created problems: Simon, Nicole, Lauren, Fox, and I. Usually it's Simon and I, because we sure as Hell don't want each other, but don't take to it well the other dates somebody else. Frankly, I think we just want each other to be miserable. Lauren (and to an extent, Colby) thinks Simon's a manipulative asshole. Fox is his now-former best friend (this'll be relevant momentarily!), and Nicole just has history with Fox and I regarding a certain horrible boyfriend of hers from Wisconsin. It's a nearly unanimous vote that he just sucks. (OKAY UPDATE AS OF LIKE.... SOMETHING OR ANOTHER. Sometime between the writing of this paragraph and the publication of this post. Nicole and I are on semi-speaking terms, and Simon and Fox are fine. This is what I get for not posting things until over a month later fuckmefuckme I'm a horrible blog owner).
Anyway, to be short n' sweet, the reason Simon and Fox are now former best friends is that Fox and I have had a sort of "fling" over the last couple of weeks. Total whore move on my part, I know I know I know. I've already been nearly murdered over it; hold your forks. I don't care too much to reignite that drama, anyway.. It's been messy, and Lauren keeps telling me that I drive her to drink. I'd say it's my revenge for her incessant chatter about Sherlock and Doctor Who, but I think fucking up the delicate emotional equilibrium of the drama dept is disproportionate retribution.
Regardless of such insanity, Friday went incredibly well. Lauren, Fox, my lovely theatre-mommas Amber and Chelsea, and our friends Megan and Chris grouped up so that any potential death could be avoided. Tasha and her boyfriendmanloverservantslave Damian came and went as they pleased.
I don't have much to say about the incline aside from that I learned that Chelsea and Fox both detest heights and that I sat next to an Asian couple and Colby thought we looked like a little family. We then went to Carnegie where within five minutes of the group of thirty splitting apart, Lauren, Fox, and I lost the rest of our group. Therefore, we ate with Damian and Tasha. Lauren, who had been sick for the last two days (I begged her the night before to get better and come), couldn't digest much and was utterly perplexed by the tangy taste of her cherry Jell-O. Chelsea, our group leader, had managed to forget her phone on the bus, so Fox's attempt to call her was in vain. She and Chris eventually found us, and we, not knowing where Amber and Megan had went, decided to start on the fourth floor and work our way down from there. Chelsea and I were transfixed by the fish on the third floor and started comparing them all to the ones from Finding Nemo. On the second floor, robotics were located. Tasha was the only one of us to beat one of them at air hockey, and Chelsea and Damian were getting really competitive about it. I failed massively and feel copious amounts of shame. We also got to explore a submarine, and I started freaking out when I realized that there were vents in certain areas of the floor. I was wearing a fairly short skirt. Do the math.
We ate at a small place called Noodles and Company. Lauren (who was called "Simon" by Tasha on accident; Lauren mimicked slitting her wrists in offense), Fox, Tasha, and Damian all sat at a corner table next to the window and waved at passerby. Some returned the wave amiably, while others seemed perplexed. Amber told us that if we didn't cut it out we were gonna get raped. Sob. I was just being FRIENDLYYYYYYY c'mon that's a major accomplishment for me! The food there wasn't necessarily bad, but I inadvertently ordered a spicy Japanese dish. Lauren proceeded to call me a big baby because I was the one there with the least tolerance for spicy foods... I snatched a bit out of everybody's, and I think Lauren's shrimp with whatever-the-heck-it-was was my favorite. We also held a couple awkward conversations which resulted in Damian and Fox to leave and take care of "man things," e.g., filling up fountain drinks and take manly trips to the bathroom together. I really don't remember what I said to provoke these, but I remember shouting to Colby at the table in front of us about random things... Even though I was not the one who grabbed her manlover's junk so that he'd give her the gigantic cookie she had *coughcoughTashacoughcough,* I think I'm just a public embarrassment.
After dinner, we walked the rest of the way to the theater. Most of the women were in heels, and some of the others were complaining. My feet didn't hurt until we arrived at the theater and had to exit the building towards the beginning of the show thanks to a fire alarm, so I jovially harassed everybody around me on the walk there. I may or may not have nearly cut off Colby's arm circulation. Maybe in my next life, I'll be some species of parasite! Sounds so exciting! Lauren, Fox, and I, thanks to being towards the end of the group, procured seats on the opposite side of the theater from most of the other students. We behaved; I'll promise you that much. However, Lauren went to the bathroom during intermission and was mistaken for a hooker by an old lady.
The production itself was wonderful! Going into the theater, I didn't have a clue what the show would be like aside from that it wasn't a comedy. As it turns out, it's a rock opera. I was a little confused at first by some of the anachronistic clothes (I didn't figure out who Judas was for quite some time. His clothes felt too modern.. Almost like he was wearing yoga pants. The girls weren't complaining), but everything fell into place soon enough.
Sans the Terminator scene. Funny? Yes. Big lipped alligator moment? Perhaps. There was also a fire alarm triggered a couple minutes after the show began. Apparently we were on the news. Todd cared about that, but the rest of us just wanted to get back inside. My feet hurt like a moooooofo.
I just slept on the way back. Fox makes for an exquisite pillow. Like the best male pillow I have ever encountered in my short 15 years on the planet. He still does not beat my baby pillow, though. Baby pillow died, btw, for anybody who knows. I still miss his (yes, his) ruffles and softness... I usually cuddle my stuffed bunny when I sleep nowadays.
After returning home, I stayed the night with Amber, the theatre's other Filipino, aka my mommy. We had a nice discussion and tried to explain the gigantic drama-circlejerk that exists within the theatre to her mother. We tired her out midway through. I also vaguely recall something about basketballs. In the morning, I made my way to Seth's so that we could watch The Hunger Games.
Those people cannot film an action scene, lemme tell you. The movie was okay. Nothing groundbreaking. So far, I've only read the first book. There's outcry that it rips off the plots of Battle Royale and The Long Walk, but I think it's coincidental. They only really have the basics in common. I was just so stunned to see Josh Hutcherson in anything other than Bridge to Terabithia. Last I remembered him, HE WAS SO LITTLEEEEEE. Sort of. I'm also not a huge fan of love triangles. I understand that they happen, but I just... I don't know. I feel like a love interest outside of Peeta (Gale, I'm looking at you), is going to be entirely superfluous. Do not want.
I'm really excited for The Hobbit! Aside from the whole Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are in it part.... After hearing Lauren obsess and orgasm over Sherlock like she does, I want very little to do with anything with fans of the series. Like no, get your damn bishie!Sherlock OUT OF MY HOBBIT. Except it's not my Hobbit. Either way. I just don't do well with obsessive fangirls. I used to be one, but... No. Just no argharghargh.
I spent the rest of the day at Seth's house. I was also exceptionally decent and not hehehehhe-pedo-pedo-cougar-pedo except for the one point where I found a paddle-thingie in his massive closet (it's big enough to be a bedroom, is used mainly for storage of entirely random things, and henceforth referred to as "Narnia") and decided I wanted to try to smack his butt with it. It's like my natural reaction to do that whenever I find random items like that lying around. Also found out that I kick ass at Scum. Or perhaps I was just lucky.
So. There was that highly eventful weekend in a longer post than I could write in.... Ohhhh, five sittings? Please don't let this ever happen again. I think I might just start writing posts right now and queuing them up to post over the next several days. I have a lot that hasn't been said yet.
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