Friday and Saturday were our annual West of Broadway musical theatre ensemble showcase and Academy Awards, respectively. I stage managed the first event and attended the second one. I had run the light boards for the showcase night last year, but this was my first time attending our Academy Awards. Last year I had went to Baltimore that afternoon, and that was probably for the better. Tika and Simon had just begun dating beforehand, I was the unhappiest camper in the forest. I would've set a bear on 'em, and that could only end badly. Ooooh, reminds me of Colby and I's drawings from Spanish class, though. He still has them!
I spent all weekend with Lauren. My mother had been at my sister's all last week (oh, speaking of which, Ali's birthday was last week! Gooooooo follow her! She's funnier than I am), so Dad went to go pick her up on Saturday. Lauren was therefore my ride to both events. Friday was exhauuuusting. I had right wing, as usual. We'd only had one rehearsal beforehand, and so Chelsea and I, along with our lighting crew consisting of Colby and Lauren, were extremely nervous. Everything went really well, though! There were some mic malfunctions (Seth, not the pedobait from the last post, managed to go through three choral sections without realizing his mic tape had fallen off and so his mic was on his chest rather than his cheek) and a random stool in one of the solos (nobody knows how to got to center stage, but there it was), but everything went splendidly!
I was grumpy afterward, though. I don't have any particular reasoning; I'm just tired and cranky after performances. Lauren and I watched My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic when we returned home, though. This, along with this video of Ronald McDonald, induced an odd dream within Lauren. Her dreams are always odd, though. One time, I was James Moriarty, and I used a foot as a boomerang as I captured and tied up Aaron (Lauren's freshman manlover)/Sherlock, Watson, and pregnant!Lauren/Irene Adler. This, time, though, she and Aaron were driving through God-knows-where, and Lauren had a panic attack at the sight of a McDonald's. Aaron was also watching My Little Pony with the child. We're not sure who it belonged to. Presumably them.
Saturday morning dragged on forevvvvvvvver. I cured boredom by ninja-thieving Lauren's phone and texting various people. My main victim was Mark. He's regrown his beard since the last post I mentioned him in, and I decided to text him "I like your beard. Can I touch it with my vagina?" Apparently he didn't have Lauren in his contacts, so it took him forever to figure out that I was the little Asian boot-and-thigh-high-wearing girl. I had to mention math stereotypes and how I defy them in my epic suckery. We had a little conversation. I tried to convince Lauren to take me to pick up a top hat from him, but she interpreted "needs a top hat" as "needs to lose anal virginity." She also said something about fuzzy little men peaches, boxes, and Satanic rape. I don't know. I also tried to text Dylan/Llamamoth/fancy tie man/why does he have so many naaaames and Simon; however, Simon recognized my typing style (I guess it's not normal for Lauren to open conversation with "I'm not a penis! I'm a president of the United States of America!" What a shock.), and Dylan was just... Being incredibly
Colby and Tika showed up around five. Colby came last and Lauren had to run downstairs to her room while Tika was telling a depressing story about how her grandfather's dog committing suicide (kinda) because she heard a door slam. That could only mean I'd followed Colby downstairs and was attempting to rape him, as per usual. He ended up with some lovely red markings on his wrist today because of me. I'm waiting for a restraining order, honestly. Lauren usually has to make it a priority to make sure all virginities remain intact whenever the two of us visit her.
Colby, being a rather flamboyant sweetheart, did my hair. It managed to fall out over the course of the night, but I'm very grateful anyway. My hair can't be tamed, man. It's thick and coarse and horrible. It also took about an hour... He barely had time to get dressed after getting me ready. I kept offering to help... He didn't accept. :<
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Before leaving. From left to right: Aubrey (Lauren's younger sister), Tika, Yours Truly, Lauren (who looks fantastic, btw), Colby and the Noodletie. |
I didn't win any awards, nor did I expect to. Lauren won Best Scripted Line for "Queenie, you loose cat!" from Honk! and didn't thank anybody because she finds it cliche... However, I do give her reason to use that line on a daily basis. Colby won Rookie of the Year, too, 'cause this was the first year he was really involved within the theatre, and he's done very well. I was such a happyproudetc best friend. Fox won the award for Advanced Drama, too. I think his writing skills factored into this, but I'm not in that class, so I don't know. Simon received Best Hair/Wig, and he thanked me because I made that wig. However, he was a little bit of a bitch about it. "Because I had to hear her whine every day about how often she burnt her fingers making it" isn't the nicest way to put things... However, I probably would've been more irritated if he'd said nothing. Meh. The between-awards skits were really funny, even if we were at one point sprayed with chlorine and water....
Upon returning home, Colby's jeans were on Lauren's floor, so I put them home. His parents had picked him up at the school, so he came back separately from us. Tika, Lauren, and I proceeded to discuss and tear apart a concept so often brought up within the theatre: That we're a family.
On one hand, I can't exactly deny it. Many of us partake in theatre with our best friends and we really do bond through shows. One the other, it feels like "cliques" are formed, especially within musical theatre ensemble. Some people there, I'm perfectly fine with. Others, though, feel exclusive and intimidating. Lauren, Tika, and I, and perhaps it's just us, don't really feel like part of any "family." I sometimes even avoid theatre events (such as the cast parties or going out with the others to eat before a show) because I simply don't feel necessary. Besides, they never really ask me to do anything with them. I don't want to force myself in with them. Outside of theatre, I'd probably spend time with just Lauren, Colby, Cassie, and maybe a few other people. I like nearly everybody within the program, but I just don't feel like any sort of "familial" bond with them. Lauren and I asked Colby about it, too, when he arrived, and he didn't feel excluded, but I always kinda feel like the mte kids like him better than they do us. Hell, one even asked him as a prom date (friendly! Friendly! I AM NOT IN A CORNER MOPING). I don't begrudge him or anything for it. Colby is Colby and I adore him regardless, but he definitely seems like a bigger part of the theatre than I am.
Perhaps I'm just bringing it upon myself. After all, I have both fought with and made out with various people within the theatre. I'm grumpy and a little antisocial. I'm not even one of the actors; all I do is tech... Perhaps I don't put myself out there like I'd need to. But why should I? Sometimes I want to leave the theatre because I just feel so useless and unnecessary there; they've survived without a permanent stage manager before... But I just don't know where else I could go.
Ugh. I didn't mean for this post to go to such utter angst,
Andrea! <3
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