Friday, May 11, 2012

So, How 'Bout That Gay Marriage?

First off, I'm just gonna say that I'm reallllllly apprehensive about posting this because on tumblr, you're not allowed to have opinions. Especially social ones. Hence why mine is used almost exclusively to keep track of fandoms (as if the social issues didn't seep into those, too) and pretty pictures. I don't know what it's like here. I never blogged enough about these sorts of things to know, so I'm still wondering whether I need to hide in a dumpster and disguise myself as a hobo with a particularly epic laser gun in self-defense.

Apparently yesterday, I missed my first period US History teacher tell the rest of my classmates that he wasn't voting for Obama in the upcoming election because Obama came out of the closet regarding his support of gay marriage. I don't know if this was actually said, or if there was just something lost in my classmates' interpretation. If it's what was actually said, thank God I was visiting biology at the time. I woulda flipped. My. Shit. Lauren wants a lesbian lover just to make him mad now.

Regardless of how it should or should not be a priority in comparison to our economy and education system, which are in desperate need of some asap assistance, I don't understand that as reasoning not to vote for a candidate. If two had the same ideals and around-as-effective plans for the country, yeah, that could be a deciding factor, but Romney's plans in comparison to Obama's? (waaaaaait, is either one doing anything?) I'd go for Obama. Ron Paul? He's the favorite among most people that I know, but I doubt there's any way he'll become the GOP candidate. I think that nowadays, our two main political parties are simply too polarized to accomplish anything.

Somebody please explain to me what besides Christian doctrine prohibits same-sex marriage? The only real basis I've seen for it is that it's considered "unnatural" or "immoral" by the Bible, doesn't produce children, maybe a couple other equally "meh" reasonings, and that's all I've read/heard.

I think that because of the rights and benefits provided by the government in marriage, that unions between homosexual couples ought to be recognized one way or another. If not by marriage, which I guess implies trampling all over religious beliefs (which, y'know, being that we're not a theocracy, shouldn't BE A MAJOR POINT IN THE FIRST PLACE.), then something. Lauren and I listed off some things that a couple gains in marriage, and frankly, I don't see the right in forbidding monogamous (I'm sure there's a better word for this. I'm not feeling so eloquent right now; it's Friday) couples of the same sex these rights/benefits.

There's some debate on Facebook regarding whether or not gay marriage is actually relevant and that we should all stfu about it until the economy and etc are all fixed. That's not the point here. I don't even know where I stand on that. I'm just sayin', what valid reason do we have to oppose ?

Andrea! <3

P.S. - Most of the questions in this post could probably be considered rhetorical.

P.P.S. - I also saw a lovely discussion between Mark and Dillion regarding who'd take us over first - Iran or China. I vote China, even if my Asian is more like Hispanic-rejects-of-the-Asian-world Asian, and I don't think any of the other Asians like us as a whole.


Unknown said...

UGH! Just let gay people get married! Love is love is love is LOVE!!! Doesn't matter! If two people love each other then let them have their happiness! Personally, I think it's unconstitutional to deny two Americans marriage!

I hate when people say things like "marriage between a man and a man or a woman and a woman is a shame." Because marriages between men and women are always meaningful. Right????.... Ugh, sick!

Anyway, I love you! Proud that you stick by your views regardless of what people in WV say.

Andrea said...