Saturday, May 12, 2012

Maybe I'm Doomed to be Poor

I don't really like the prospect of my future. Ever since I began high school, I've been fretting over what I'll choose to do with my life. I don't want to do anything regarding money, medicine, or law, to my mother's chagrin and probably to my future pocketbook's empty "stomach." I always tell Mom, who insists that my good grades deserve a prestigious career, that I'm not about to obtain a degree and pursue a career that I'll merely hate.

What the hell is there for me to do, though? I've made a habit of telling others that I'm simply going to commit suicide at age eighteen because otherwise I'll just be a passionless, jobless waste of humanity. Nobody takes me seriously, which is good, but that's still how frustrated I feel sometimes. I feel like everybody else either a) has something (Jacob's music, Lauren's psych/med/law aspirations, Jesus' and Jake's computer sci/math skills) or b) is okay with teaching. It's like the go-to career for those who don't know what they want. I, however, have nothing to me besides competency in English. Nor do I want to teach; I have no desire to be imprisoned for choking a student.

I change my mind every other week, it seems. I've wanted to study genetics, forensics, creative writing, video game design/computer science, intelligence analysis (what the hell do you major in to do that, anyway?), fashion/costume design, etc... The list goes on. I'm afraid that I'll hate everythiiiing, though. I don't want to go into college without any idea what I want. All I know is that I want enough money to support myself. Sadly, I don't trust the arts or a field like sociology to do that. I'll be taking forensics and chemistry as a junior, so I suppose that will be the deciding factor there. It's been suggested that I'm only taking forensics so that I'll know where to hide the bodies of my victims... Or that I aspire to be Abby from NCIS. And yes, that is the reason I considered forensics in the first place during junior high.

Those quizzes provided by college sites aren't much of a help. They always suggest the more artsy-fartsy majors to me. For instance, I just took a quiz that gave me a top ten list. I'm probably fucked.
  • Media Arts
  • Gender Studies
  • Theatre (I don't act, but it included more technical aspects. Ohsotempting D: )
  • Electronic Commerce
  • Pre-Law (and HOW!?)
  • Health Sciences
  • Journalism
  • Nursing
  • Management Information Systems
  • History
... How what why I don't even know. *sobs.* But I guess we shall see. I kind of feel like an idiot for not taking any classes relating to computer science during high school. Not knowing what I want to major in makes finding a college frustrating, too... I'm currently browsing Cornell University in New York. My only letters come from liberal arts colleges that I have little to no interest in, so I don't knoooooow.

Can I take courses in all the things? ALL OF THEM!?
Andrea! <3

P.S. - Even my palm readings say that I'm not going to have a successful career. On the upside, though, they claim this mental instability should go away and that is why I'll never make it as a poet. I'll be sane someday.


Unknown said...

I didn't know what i wanted to do until I was in my 20s... It takes time. Take a little bit of everything until you figure out what you want.

Andrea said...

That's what I'm doing. I'm even gonna try and take CISCO my senior year. I'd take it junior year, but my schedule's already pretty set, sadly.