Saturday, May 26, 2012

To Think The Weekend's Only Begun...

Well, I suppose I could be considered a junior now. I don't want to talk much about yesterday and graduation, though. I was stuck at the school all day, and by the end, I just wanted to cry because I was just soooo damn frustrated. I wish I could catch a break, but I don't want to abandon my friends' graduation parties today and Monday, and I have a responsibility to show up to the show that I'm helping run lights for tomorrow. I nearly dropped my second set of plans for today, though. Mark had invited me out to go see Chernobyl Diaries with some of his band friends (both male and female, yes. I have no intention of being gang-banged), and at first I was all "YEAHHHH THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME," but I'm having second thoughts now 'cause I know maybe ohhhh, one of the other girls going, I don't do well meeting people in group situations, especially when they all know each other and I'm the outlier, aaaand I don't wanna be clingy as fuck (don't ask just don't). Plus I'm a stupid jealous whore, and I'm afraid that I'll just freak out at this one freshman girl I think he might have a thing for. He told me they're just friends, but I don't really buy it. Ugh. Cody should stop being a butt and go.. Eh, why am I so stupiiiiiiiiiiiiid. Still, I've coaxed myself into going. I've gotta stop being a little bitch and just make the best of it, I guess.

kjhbdflhfjihfjidsdsigiklslki fuck meeeeeeee,
Andrea! <3

P.S. -- Please dear God or whatever deity or lack of such may exist, just... Shoot me, maybe.

P.P.S. -- Since it may augment the image of my current state of self-pity and teenage angst and whatever, I just want to let you know that all I feel like eating for breakfast is gummi worms.

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