Friday, December 21, 2012

As Everybody on Facebook is Posting...

I'm alive! I even checked the living room to ensure that my mother was still here and that it wasn't just the rapture.

I never believed in the apocalypse, but I'm also prone to anxiety over the most minute possibilities. Anyway, we've got twenty more minutes before it's midnight in the actual Mayan Empire time zone. So we'll see. I attempted to make myself a Doomsday playlist, but it won't come together smoothly. That and I'd probably just bash in zombie heads to this:


or this

I am the epitome of class,
Andrea! <3

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Here's to the Nightmares I'll Have After I Pass Out

I'm required to compose a PowerPoint on domestic/child abuse for sociology, and I have to include ten graphic pictures depicting each and giving background information. Hence, I've been reading about neglected, battered, murdered babies for the last four and a half hours. I'm thoroughly disgusted and distraught by all these stories; I'm beginning to feel physically sick. This needs to be finished by the end of class tomorrow, so I'm attempting to find more pictures before I go to bed, but I only find articles without pictures to accompany them. I read them anyway, and all it does it upset me. I texted Simon over an hour ago, but he's either asleep or ignoring me. It doesn't really matter... I just don't want to do this. Between Friday's shooting and all these articles.. Mwerp. My babies. I'm simply upset and anxious, and I'm a little afraid that I won't be able to sleep unless I pass out from exhaustion. The last several weeks have been way too tiring; I can't wait for break to begin. Darian noted tonight that I've spent much more time on schoolwork lately. I didn't notice it until then, probably because it's been overshadowed by all my performances (I have another tomorrow, in fact. And then probably another Thursday), but I've had many projects for sociology and English lately. It's tiring, and in this case, just sickening. Maybe I'll just go to bed before I scare myself much more.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lessons from the Theatre in not Being a Whiny Bitch

Last week was hellish. I have the stress tolerance of... I don't know. Which animal doesn't respond well to stress? Whichever doesn't, I am it. My traditional second-night meltdown didn't happen. Still, The King and I has been my worst show so far. I say that about every show, I know. But this one was fraught with battery death and mic malfunctions and oh God Lauren and I nearly killed Skylar, the female lead, in a freak lattice accident. Even Matt, the bottomless pit from sophomore English and now the eponymous King, had to ask Buddha for assistance. Onstage. Because he forgot a line. In his defense, it was hilarious.

First, though, a cute story!

Colby and I were assigned to the right wing: Colby ran the C lightboard, and I stage managed/ran the board while Colby was onstage. This is a great arrangement because Colby and I are best friends, we calm each other and dance around with mustaches backstage. One of the elementary actresses became convinced that he and I were in a relationship because we dance, hug lots, and I... may or may not have told her the first night I attended rehearsal that he and I were in love. We were backstage prancing about to "Hello Young Lovers," and she came up to us, grinning impishly and her little index finger mere inches from our faces: "You two are in a relationship!"

Colby and I gawked at each other in momentary shock. The usual assumption is that we're either in a relationship or one/both of us is/are homosexual, but it was still unexpected. First thing to come to mind: "Colby likes boys!!!"


Fox entered the wing at the end of that exclamation, and Colby promptly began to dig his grave.


I could list and thoroughly describe every mishap that occurred during The King and I's run, but I don't really want to. The only event worth mentioning was the second night's rendition of "Small House of Uncle Thomas." Colby was in this number, so I ran the light board. I don't recall if the lights had been wonky earlier that night, but for whatever reason, my lights would not come up. Frustrated, I was speaking with my director when my headset died. I frantically changed my batteries, cursing when my newly-cut nails couldn't quickly remove the batteries from the headset. I eventually managed, but one of my lights, a spotlight targeting Buddha (I made Buddha, by the way. 'Mazing stagecraft skillzzzzzz.), refused to function.

Setting up the next evening, my director called me over to the board and mentioned that I didn't have the actual Buddha light plugged in the previous night. But I did, and I tried to explain this. This went back and forth for several minutes, and I was just piiiiiiiiiiissed. I felt entirely responsible for many of the things that had gone wrong the past two nights, but I was certain I'd had the grey Buddha cord plugged in. I have poor word choice when stressed, and I apparently started something with "No, I'm telling you..." which is bad. Very bad. We'll come back to this later.

As the audience is filtering in, I take a playbill from Nina, a lighting technician/the stagecraft goddess. I had forgotten to acquire one the previous two nights, as I leafed through, I noticed two things:

2. Emily, the other stage manager and I, were listed as "Assistant Stage Managers" to Damian, who had a minor role and spent most of the time backstage in the left wing with Emily.

I wished to simply rip the playbill to shreds after that. It's nothing against Damian; I do quite like Damian, and he is my theatre superior. I simply felt demoted. Emily, Damian, and I all busted our asses to ensure that show ran as smoothly as it could: I am not a fucking assistant, and neither were they! Contemplating further, though, I felt that maybe I didn't deserve the title of stage manager because I fucked so. Many. Things uuuuup over those three days. So I was kinda bitter and tired. Friday didn't go well for me because I was exhausted and emotionally drained.

I briefly considered abandoning theatre because shows often leave me feeling useless, underappreciated, and exhausted. I felt I'd never receive any recognition from my director, and I'm not close with many of my theatremates. I talked about it a little with Lauren, Tasha, and Fox. Oddly, Fox was the one most determined to make me stay. I made no definite decisions, simply said that I may or may not abandon theatre eventually. Maybe the next show, maybe senior year, maybe never. We'd see. Then this week happened.


First off, and this isn't exactly relevant to theatre, I made a 204 on the PSAT. This places me in the 97th percentile of American juniors. My math skills are average, but I had nearly perfect critical reading/writing skills. I may be eligible for a National Merit Scholarship; I won't find out until next September. That is an AWFUL wait.

I talked to my director today, too. She had a couple things she wanted to discuss with me. Firstly, we talked about my breaking point during The King and I and how I need to better cope with stress. I know what I did and that it wasn't necessarily the best solution. Thankfully, I've become gentler as I've become older (with exception. My family members would say I've only become more irritable and bitchy), but I still snap under pressure. I felt responsible for many things that had gone wrong during the show, and I hated being told I had done something wrong that I had actually certainly done right. After that, we moved on to the set model I've been designing lately.

Recently in stagecraft, the nine of us have been making set designs made solely with newspaper and glue (both hot glue and Elmer's glue). Each set design is inspired by a particular emotion. I chose toska, a Russian word without an exact representation that represents varying forms of loneliness.

I first covered the "floor" in crossword puzzles, like an askew checkerboard. Not symbolic or anything, purely aesthetic. Then, I set five trees into a sort of semi-circle encompassing the area where most action would happen. The thinnest, tallest, and colorless one stands upstage center; it possess many branches of varying thickness. Several longer ones reach out to the smaller, colorful trees, only to push them away or strangle their trunks. The tree's shorter, thinner branches droop and weep, aimlessly; meanwhile, its roots fan out across the stage. One root, however, curls up, hugging a fallen, limbless comrade/friend/lover/whyamIgivingtreespersonalities/patheticfallacyftw. Or it could be strangling one that got too close. Interpret it as you will. Finally, I drizzled hot glue across the branches, transparent vines criss-crossing the air. Some newspaper vines drape off and across the surface; regularly, they'd cover the stage's frontside, but I don't have a box to demonstrate that, just a board.

My director said my model was exceptional; it carried wonderful balance and flow and may even be comparable to college work. I could have untapped potential in architecture (doubt it... But that would be nice.) Over the three years that she's known me, I've really "blossomed" creatively and learned to marry my intellect and creativity. She even recommended that I begin taking art and ceramic classes, after school or whenever I can. She said she'd even talk to one of the art teachers about it because I do need some arts classes. My college prospects were also brought up because I could go almost anywhere I wanted to. I still have no idea. She's known this; we had a similar discussion freshman year. Anyway, I was just all

Was going to use regular rainbow puke meme, but this is 20% cooler.

I am very aware this invalidates all the show's AUGH-BLAH-NO-RECOGNITION angst. I'm cool with that... I just.. I don't know. Forget sometimes. My self-esteem, on a scale of one to one hundred, maxes out somewhere around three. Hopefully, though, I can keep my confidence up and continue in my work.

Bouncity bounce bounce bounce,
Andrea! <3

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Stab Me (for a Multitude of Reasons)

I forgot I HAD this for a while... I only remembered because Maddy posted on Twitter that she'd updated her blog, and OH SHIT GOTTA FOLLOW MADDY'S LEAD. /noballs

I'm sick today, and for some reason, the urge to rip out my own throat whenever I speak is a great motivator for updating poetry and blogs and reading and whatnot. I'm also thinking about watching Heathers later because I have a decidedly hipster taste in movies. I can't help it that Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was so gooooood. Ali says I can't judge her for liking the Twilight series when I so want to see Perks of Being a Wallflower, though. Le sigh.

Speaking of hipsters, though, I think I took on the MOTHER of all hipster movements for English 11 Honors research paper: third-wave feminism. I believe it's still relevant to modern society, but has a lot of work to do if any major social change is to be accomplished. I got reaaaaally into my research last night and compiled sources from the time I got home 'till eleven, and even then, it didn't exactly feel complete. It's just such a vast and sometimes disorganized movement, and it's difficult to find recent accredited sources studying certain major aspects of it, like its various stances on pornography and the willing sex industry as opposed to sex trafficking. I don't think any of my classmates besides Lauren, Aprylle, and possibly Jake (he just seems like he would know the most random things about everything) would notice if I wasn't incredibly thorough in my research, but I am a perfectionist.

The next two and a half weeks are going to be so stressful because I've begun attending rehearsals for The King and I, our formerly-fall-but-now-early-December-thanks-to-two-weeks-of-no-power musical, and I'll start actually stage managing whenever I'm not dying of illness; I have several madrigals performances; The King and I runs the 4th-6th, the madrigal dinners are the 7th and 8th, the research paper is due the 12th (and there are step-specific due dates), presentations are the 13th, and the 14th is Darian's birthday (don't get me started on Darian [oh um yeah boy from Governor's School for the Arts that I went to in July and told you nothing about]) and the madrigal trip to Pittsburgh to perform in Benedum. I don't even know what's happening on the 15th yet because no one's given me definite plans. And in between all this, I need to Christmas shop eventually. I would go this weekend, but Colby is coming over so that we can attend our director's summer theatre company's gala-thingie. I've attempted to cast off parts of the emotional drama that has plagued me for the last two months, but now I also have my body to nourish back to health. Thanks, body. Really appreciate it.

There is so much potential here for me to die,
Andrea!! <3

P.S. -- On the upside, I've finally begun writing again! I haven't produced anything too thorough since leaving GSA at the end of July, but I'm getting back in the swing of things. Lauren urged me to enter Creative Communication's Poetic Power contest that she and Fox were published in last year, so I've been thinking about an entry for that. I'm actually pretty confident about it; attending GSA really showed me that in spite of how I cut myself down in so many aspects of my life and personality, I'm a capable poet (wow that sounds emo Y'KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU I'M GONNA BE THE BEST EMO KID WRITER YOU EVER SAW).

Monday, August 20, 2012

This Always Happens.

I can't keep up a blog whenever things not-exactly-within-my-control prevent me from posting for more than a week. After that, I just keep forgetting. Ughhhh so my birthday is in an hour, school began on the 16th (fuck dress codes. Fuck them so hard.), and I haven't blogged about GSA yet. I've been neglecting my journal, too. I've started one as a sort of trade with a friend; we'll exchange ours someday. So I better get my butt workin'!

Andrea! <3

Saturday, June 23, 2012

She Returns.

Jesus. I haven't blogged in ages.

Not much has happened. The movie I referred to in my last post went really well, though, and I was not awkward and clingy the entire time. SEE. I'M CAPABLE. A little. It's 4:38 in the morning and frankly, I question the sleep schedule and/or sanity of anybody able to form complex, compelling thoughts at this time of morning. The only thought of mine are those in which I revolutionize the dildo industry as has been suggested. I also coined a new term tonight while talking to Lauren: "Bonering." Not the same thing as boning. Speaking of her, I decided I was going to invite her, Aprylle, and Ali over sometime next week because I realized Aprylle and Lauren have never seen my humble abode. Catering could be a challenge, though, since Lauren's gluten-free and Aprylle's vegan. Somehow, Lauren's easier than Aprylle. Damn milk and eggs fucking everything up. And GSA's in 8 days. Wooooooo hopefully my roommate doesn't hate me. They also finally created a Facebook page for us so I don't have to STALK MY GSAMATES ANYMORE. I can't stop being a creeper; thank GOD.

Ughhhh sleepysleepyanswermydamnpmsoIcanfeelsemi-accomplished,
Andrea! <3

P.S. -- Since this was an awful quality post haha when am I ever quality, here, have some nice a capella Disney.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

To Think The Weekend's Only Begun...

Well, I suppose I could be considered a junior now. I don't want to talk much about yesterday and graduation, though. I was stuck at the school all day, and by the end, I just wanted to cry because I was just soooo damn frustrated. I wish I could catch a break, but I don't want to abandon my friends' graduation parties today and Monday, and I have a responsibility to show up to the show that I'm helping run lights for tomorrow. I nearly dropped my second set of plans for today, though. Mark had invited me out to go see Chernobyl Diaries with some of his band friends (both male and female, yes. I have no intention of being gang-banged), and at first I was all "YEAHHHH THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME," but I'm having second thoughts now 'cause I know maybe ohhhh, one of the other girls going, I don't do well meeting people in group situations, especially when they all know each other and I'm the outlier, aaaand I don't wanna be clingy as fuck (don't ask just don't). Plus I'm a stupid jealous whore, and I'm afraid that I'll just freak out at this one freshman girl I think he might have a thing for. He told me they're just friends, but I don't really buy it. Ugh. Cody should stop being a butt and go.. Eh, why am I so stupiiiiiiiiiiiiid. Still, I've coaxed myself into going. I've gotta stop being a little bitch and just make the best of it, I guess.

kjhbdflhfjihfjidsdsigiklslki fuck meeeeeeee,
Andrea! <3

P.S. -- Please dear God or whatever deity or lack of such may exist, just... Shoot me, maybe.

P.P.S. -- Since it may augment the image of my current state of self-pity and teenage angst and whatever, I just want to let you know that all I feel like eating for breakfast is gummi worms.