Well, I suppose I could be considered a junior now. I don't want to talk much about yesterday and graduation, though. I was stuck at the school all day, and by the end, I just wanted to cry because I was just soooo damn frustrated. I wish I could catch a break, but I don't want to abandon my friends' graduation parties today and Monday, and I have a responsibility to show up to the show that I'm helping run lights for tomorrow. I nearly dropped my second set of plans for today, though. Mark had invited me out to go see Chernobyl Diaries with some of his band friends (both male and female, yes. I have no intention of being gang-banged), and at first I was all "YEAHHHH THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME," but I'm having second thoughts now 'cause I know maybe ohhhh, one of the other girls going, I don't do well meeting people in group situations, especially when they all know each other and I'm the outlier, aaaand I don't wanna be clingy as fuck (don't ask just don't). Plus I'm a stupid jealous whore, and I'm afraid that I'll just freak out at this one freshman girl I think he might have a thing for. He told me they're just friends, but I don't really buy it. Ugh. Cody should stop being a butt and go.. Eh, why am I so stupiiiiiiiiiiiiid. Still, I've coaxed myself into going. I've gotta stop being a little bitch and just make the best of it, I guess.
kjhbdflhfjihfjidsdsigiklslki fuck meeeeeeee,
Andrea! <3
P.S. -- Please dear God or whatever deity or lack of such may exist, just... Shoot me, maybe.
P.P.S. -- Since it may augment the image of my current state of self-pity and teenage angst and whatever, I just want to let you know that all I feel like eating for breakfast is gummi worms.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
"Top Hat, My Ass."
I found this lovely list of obscure (not to mention irrelevant to the title) words on tumblr recently. Regardless of how dubious I am about their legitimacy as words (the only ones I previously knew were "dystopia" and "malapert"), I think they deserve more attention.
I think "Sphallolalia" may as well be my given name. I also had to Cha Cha "Apodyopsis" yesterday afternoon so that I could write it upon my hand. Whether or not anybody will receive the complementary "Gymnophoria" on his or hers is yet to be seen. The two words go very well with my oversized pin stating "I'm imagining you naked." Ali and I showed it to everybody today, and most everybody was either very entertained or a little disturbed. However, on the way to 4th with Lauren and Mark, I showed it to Mark, who responded "You too!" I was dumbstruck; Lauren was being unhelpful and staring at the lockers in the opposite direction, so I couldn't look to her for words. She did, however, utter the title later. SUCH A SUPPORTIVE FRIEND.
With brontide,
Andrea! <3
P.S. -- I also saw Cody today right after running up the stairs and squeezing between some football players in order to make it to to my preferred route. Somehow, him shouting "ANDREA!! I don't even need to say it. You already know what I'm going to say!" (for those who don't know, it's ritual for Cody to remind me that I need to get laid every time he sees me) absolutely made my day. I feel like I ought to demand that he bake me this cake if I ever do lose my virginity. I'm gonna deserve a fucking cake by then!
Cheiloproclitic - Being attracted to someone's lips.
Quidnunc - One who always has to know what is going on.
Ultracrepidarian - Of one who speaks or offers opinions on matters beyond his or her knowledge.
Apodyopsis - The act of mentally undressing someone.
Gymnophoria - The sensation that someone is mentally undressing you.
Tarantism - The urge to overcome melancholy by dancing.
Autolatry - The worship of one’s self.
Cagamosis - An unhappy marriage.
Gargalesthesia - The sensation caused my tickling.
Capernoited - Slightly intoxicated or tipsy.
Lalochezia - The use of abusive language to relieve stress or ease pain.
Cataglottism - Kissing with tongue.
Basorexia - An overwhelming desire to kiss.
Brontide - The low rumbling of distant thunder.
Grapholagnia - The urge to stare at obscene pictures.
Agelast - A person who never laughs.
Wanweird - An unhappy fate.
Dystopia - Am imaginary place of total misery. A metaphor for hell.
Petrichor - The smell of dry rain on the ground.
Anagapesis - The feeling when one no longer loves someone he or she once did.
Malapert - Clever in manners of speech.
Duende - Unusual power to attract or charm.
Concilliabule - A secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot.
Strikhedonia - The pleasure of being able to say “to hell with it.”
Lygerastia - The condition of one who is only amorous when the lights are out.
Ayurnamat - The philosophy that there is no point in worrying about events that cannot be changed.
Sphallolalia - Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere.
Baisemain - A kiss on the hand.
Druxy - Something that looks good on the outside, but is actually rotten inside.
Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people in which each loves the other but are both too afraid to make the first move.
I think "Sphallolalia" may as well be my given name. I also had to Cha Cha "Apodyopsis" yesterday afternoon so that I could write it upon my hand. Whether or not anybody will receive the complementary "Gymnophoria" on his or hers is yet to be seen. The two words go very well with my oversized pin stating "I'm imagining you naked." Ali and I showed it to everybody today, and most everybody was either very entertained or a little disturbed. However, on the way to 4th with Lauren and Mark, I showed it to Mark, who responded "You too!" I was dumbstruck; Lauren was being unhelpful and staring at the lockers in the opposite direction, so I couldn't look to her for words. She did, however, utter the title later. SUCH A SUPPORTIVE FRIEND.
With brontide,
Andrea! <3
P.S. -- I also saw Cody today right after running up the stairs and squeezing between some football players in order to make it to to my preferred route. Somehow, him shouting "ANDREA!! I don't even need to say it. You already know what I'm going to say!" (for those who don't know, it's ritual for Cody to remind me that I need to get laid every time he sees me) absolutely made my day. I feel like I ought to demand that he bake me this cake if I ever do lose my virginity. I'm gonna deserve a fucking cake by then!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
I HAVE A PLAAAAAAAAN FOR FRIDAY. And as with all of my plans (but they're not really plans. They're more "oh, so and so is going to be here? PESTER THE CRAP OUT OF HIM/HER/ETC" and then bad things happen), Lauren is probably going to seriously consider alcoholism afterward. However, she'll be in Canada, so she can't yell at me or prevent me from reckless decisions. And I have to remember that if I'm somehow cajoled into playing Xbox that throwing my thighs into people's faces is not a publicly acceptable strategy. I doubt it'll happen, but I'm keeping a note anyway.
I plan to make the most of the time before the sobfest that graduation is bound to be,
Andrea! <3
I plan to make the most of the time before the sobfest that graduation is bound to be,
Andrea! <3
Hey, I Brought You Flowers
I just wanted to share this song that refused to leave my head during the first day of testing. I was trying to read the selections and interpret themes n' whatnot, but nooooooo. THIS. Was stuck! In my head!
Maybe I subconsciously associate this song with Alex,
Andrea! <3
Maybe I subconsciously associate this song with Alex,
Andrea! <3
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Oh iTunes. Oh owwwwww.
In order to (most likely temporarily) fix this dinosaur of a computer, Dad got our neighbor to update it. In the process, it was wiped. I just downloaded iTunes again today, and after a gigantic hassle in telling it to authorize my account on this computer, IT TURNS OUT MY ENTIRE DAMN LIBRARY IS GONE. What the fuck is that about!? WHAT. THE FUCK. I just checked the back-up files, and most of it isn't there, either.
This is fucking ridiculous, iTunes. Or computer. Either one. Both are fucking ridiculous. And I'm really hungry. But yeah. I'm probably stuck with this iPod configuration until Dad figures out wtf is up with this. And because I'm feeling cynical and first-world-problem-y, I'm going to guess it'll never happen. I have over 700 songs, so it shouldn't be a problem, but it's still a pain in the ass to not be able to modify them or anything like that. My only music that seems to have been backed up is the stuff from Dillion. Argh. So. Yeah. I could do what I did last time I had to move things and just plug the iPod in and transfer all the really-weirdly-titled files on it to a folder (and also go through all the trouble of renaming and organizing them), but that took forever and was also really frustrating. There are so many reasons why I hate this computer.
Maybe I'll go eat. At least that gives me one less thing to bitch about,
This is fucking ridiculous, iTunes. Or computer. Either one. Both are fucking ridiculous. And I'm really hungry. But yeah. I'm probably stuck with this iPod configuration until Dad figures out wtf is up with this. And because I'm feeling cynical and first-world-problem-y, I'm going to guess it'll never happen. I have over 700 songs, so it shouldn't be a problem, but it's still a pain in the ass to not be able to modify them or anything like that. My only music that seems to have been backed up is the stuff from Dillion. Argh. So. Yeah. I could do what I did last time I had to move things and just plug the iPod in and transfer all the really-weirdly-titled files on it to a folder (and also go through all the trouble of renaming and organizing them), but that took forever and was also really frustrating. There are so many reasons why I hate this computer.
Maybe I'll go eat. At least that gives me one less thing to bitch about,
Thursday, May 17, 2012
It's standardized testing week, woooooo. I just finished four days of lovely multiple choice bubbles (and four gridded response questions that I didn't answer 'cause I'm dumb). Next week contains my last three days of school, sans scheduling.
Our testing groups are in alphabetical order, and luckily, I knew quite a few people within mine. We were always done approximately two hours prior to release to go to class, so about ten of us played cards most of the days. I believe today's UNO game was the most intense. Abbie and I stared cussing each other out. We told everybody else that it was okay because we "have this sort of relationship." We also can't play bullshit with Ben's cards. There are little markings on the back that he can cheat with, and I suck enough at bullshit as is. Like horrendously. I can't lie. But Abbie can't seem to do so either.
Alex, for those who don't know, the boy I stalked around for a good majority of seventh grade, was also in my testing group. He used to have this hairstyle that I dubbed the "afro of King Midas." But within the last week or two, HE CUT IT SHORT. LIKE SHORT SHORT NO CURLS ANYMORE. IT'S ALL GONE. It's actually quite attractive, but it's still meddling with my brain. I talked to him some on Monday, along with Colin, Nick, and Ben. He's Alex-ish as ever... And still telling people about that guy I got into a small spat with and elbowed in the back of the head in seventh grade. It's apparently in the top 3 funniest things he's seen in his school career.
Three of us from that testing group--Nick, Abbie, and I, will be attending GSA in the summer together. Abbie and I keep teasing Nick, telling him that we're going to ostracize him. Nick is also convinced that his roommate is going to be a) gay, b) Asian, or c) gay AND Asian. We then created several different possible scenarios, one of which ended in Nick having to become a drag queen in order for Abbie and I to hide him in one of our rooms. I really doubt he'll be hit on, though, regardless of what sexuality his roommate is. We're all very excited, but still a little nervous. Abbie, in vocals, has to go learn a new piece entirely by our entry on July 1st. Nick and I are just overall nervous. We're all kind of anxious to see who we're roomed with. Nick's story is above, and Abbie and I are just worried that we won't get along with our roomies. She doesn't want a visual art roommate, and she also told me that I'm probably going to keep striking up debates with my roommate... Which will not happen... Unless they pull the "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" phrase on me. In that case, shoes and vests will be flung. Whether not I can hit anybody's cheekbones with the buttons like I (accidentally) did to Lauren today, that's debatable.
I also presented part of my Hamlet summary to my English class (according to Casey, chick from Titanic = Ophelia) and shared some orgasmic beef and broccoli with Matt and Llamamoth today. It was a pretty good day. The awards ceremony is tomorrow; it should actually be pertinent to me this time. GSA and all.
Andrea! <3
P.S.-- I'm having a conversation about bra versatility right now. Apparently they're very good for launching projectiles. And now duct tape and nerf swords. This could get interesting.
Our testing groups are in alphabetical order, and luckily, I knew quite a few people within mine. We were always done approximately two hours prior to release to go to class, so about ten of us played cards most of the days. I believe today's UNO game was the most intense. Abbie and I stared cussing each other out. We told everybody else that it was okay because we "have this sort of relationship." We also can't play bullshit with Ben's cards. There are little markings on the back that he can cheat with, and I suck enough at bullshit as is. Like horrendously. I can't lie. But Abbie can't seem to do so either.
Alex, for those who don't know, the boy I stalked around for a good majority of seventh grade, was also in my testing group. He used to have this hairstyle that I dubbed the "afro of King Midas." But within the last week or two, HE CUT IT SHORT. LIKE SHORT SHORT NO CURLS ANYMORE. IT'S ALL GONE. It's actually quite attractive, but it's still meddling with my brain. I talked to him some on Monday, along with Colin, Nick, and Ben. He's Alex-ish as ever... And still telling people about that guy I got into a small spat with and elbowed in the back of the head in seventh grade. It's apparently in the top 3 funniest things he's seen in his school career.
Three of us from that testing group--Nick, Abbie, and I, will be attending GSA in the summer together. Abbie and I keep teasing Nick, telling him that we're going to ostracize him. Nick is also convinced that his roommate is going to be a) gay, b) Asian, or c) gay AND Asian. We then created several different possible scenarios, one of which ended in Nick having to become a drag queen in order for Abbie and I to hide him in one of our rooms. I really doubt he'll be hit on, though, regardless of what sexuality his roommate is. We're all very excited, but still a little nervous. Abbie, in vocals, has to go learn a new piece entirely by our entry on July 1st. Nick and I are just overall nervous. We're all kind of anxious to see who we're roomed with. Nick's story is above, and Abbie and I are just worried that we won't get along with our roomies. She doesn't want a visual art roommate, and she also told me that I'm probably going to keep striking up debates with my roommate... Which will not happen... Unless they pull the "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" phrase on me. In that case, shoes and vests will be flung. Whether not I can hit anybody's cheekbones with the buttons like I (accidentally) did to Lauren today, that's debatable.
I also presented part of my Hamlet summary to my English class (according to Casey, chick from Titanic = Ophelia) and shared some orgasmic beef and broccoli with Matt and Llamamoth today. It was a pretty good day. The awards ceremony is tomorrow; it should actually be pertinent to me this time. GSA and all.
Andrea! <3
P.S.-- I'm having a conversation about bra versatility right now. Apparently they're very good for launching projectiles. And now duct tape and nerf swords. This could get interesting.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Maybe I'm Doomed to be Poor
I don't really like the prospect of my future. Ever since I began high school, I've been fretting over what I'll choose to do with my life. I don't want to do anything regarding money, medicine, or law, to my mother's chagrin and probably to my future pocketbook's empty "stomach." I always tell Mom, who insists that my good grades deserve a prestigious career, that I'm not about to obtain a degree and pursue a career that I'll merely hate.
What the hell is there for me to do, though? I've made a habit of telling others that I'm simply going to commit suicide at age eighteen because otherwise I'll just be a passionless, jobless waste of humanity. Nobody takes me seriously, which is good, but that's still how frustrated I feel sometimes. I feel like everybody else either a) has something (Jacob's music, Lauren's psych/med/law aspirations, Jesus' and Jake's computer sci/math skills) or b) is okay with teaching. It's like the go-to career for those who don't know what they want. I, however, have nothing to me besides competency in English. Nor do I want to teach; I have no desire to be imprisoned for choking a student.
I change my mind every other week, it seems. I've wanted to study genetics, forensics, creative writing, video game design/computer science, intelligence analysis (what the hell do you major in to do that, anyway?), fashion/costume design, etc... The list goes on. I'm afraid that I'll hate everythiiiing, though. I don't want to go into college without any idea what I want. All I know is that I want enough money to support myself. Sadly, I don't trust the arts or a field like sociology to do that. I'll be taking forensics and chemistry as a junior, so I suppose that will be the deciding factor there. It's been suggested that I'm only taking forensics so that I'll know where to hide the bodies of my victims... Or that I aspire to be Abby from NCIS. And yes, that is the reason I considered forensics in the first place during junior high.
Those quizzes provided by college sites aren't much of a help. They always suggest the more artsy-fartsy majors to me. For instance, I just took a quiz that gave me a top ten list. I'm probably fucked.
Can I take courses in all the things? ALL OF THEM!?
Andrea! <3
P.S. - Even my palm readings say that I'm not going to have a successful career. On the upside, though, they claim this mental instability should go awayand that is why I'll never make it as a poet. I'll be sane someday.
What the hell is there for me to do, though? I've made a habit of telling others that I'm simply going to commit suicide at age eighteen because otherwise I'll just be a passionless, jobless waste of humanity. Nobody takes me seriously, which is good, but that's still how frustrated I feel sometimes. I feel like everybody else either a) has something (Jacob's music, Lauren's psych/med/law aspirations, Jesus' and Jake's computer sci/math skills) or b) is okay with teaching. It's like the go-to career for those who don't know what they want. I, however, have nothing to me besides competency in English. Nor do I want to teach; I have no desire to be imprisoned for choking a student.
I change my mind every other week, it seems. I've wanted to study genetics, forensics, creative writing, video game design/computer science, intelligence analysis (what the hell do you major in to do that, anyway?), fashion/costume design, etc... The list goes on. I'm afraid that I'll hate everythiiiing, though. I don't want to go into college without any idea what I want. All I know is that I want enough money to support myself. Sadly, I don't trust the arts or a field like sociology to do that. I'll be taking forensics and chemistry as a junior, so I suppose that will be the deciding factor there. It's been suggested that I'm only taking forensics so that I'll know where to hide the bodies of my victims... Or that I aspire to be Abby from NCIS. And yes, that is the reason I considered forensics in the first place during junior high.
Those quizzes provided by college sites aren't much of a help. They always suggest the more artsy-fartsy majors to me. For instance, I just took a quiz that gave me a top ten list. I'm probably fucked.
- Media Arts
- Gender Studies
- Theatre (I don't act, but it included more technical aspects. Ohsotempting D: )
- Electronic Commerce
- Pre-Law (and HOW!?)
- Health Sciences
- Journalism
- Nursing
- Management Information Systems
- History
Can I take courses in all the things? ALL OF THEM!?
Andrea! <3
P.S. - Even my palm readings say that I'm not going to have a successful career. On the upside, though, they claim this mental instability should go away
future plans,
things Lauren loves and I hate
Friday, May 11, 2012
Unceremoniously Introduces a Semi-New Layout
Why yes, this IS absolutely necessary. |
Yes, little gaps between posts and a couple font/colour changes does equal a semi-new layout. Plus I figured out how to use jump breaks! For the most part, though, they should only go on things labeled "freakishly long posts."
Plus I just really really wanted to use that gif,
Andrea! <3
So, How 'Bout That Gay Marriage?
First off, I'm just gonna say that I'm reallllllly apprehensive about posting this because on tumblr, you're not allowed to have opinions. Especially social ones. Hence why mine is used almost exclusively to keep track of fandoms (as if the social issues didn't seep into those, too) and pretty pictures. I don't know what it's like here. I never blogged enough about these sorts of things to know, so I'm still wondering whether I need to hide in a dumpster and disguise myself as a hobo with a particularly epic laser gun in self-defense.
Apparently yesterday, I missed my first period US History teacher tell the rest of my classmates that he wasn't voting for Obama in the upcoming election because Obama came outof the closet regarding his support of gay marriage. I don't know if this was actually said, or if there was just something lost in my classmates' interpretation. If it's what was actually said, thank God I was visiting biology at the time. I woulda flipped. My. Shit. Lauren wants a lesbian lover just to make him mad now.
Regardless of how it should or should not be a priority in comparison to our economy and education system, which are in desperate need of some asap assistance, I don't understand that as reasoning not to vote for a candidate. If two had the same ideals and around-as-effective plans for the country, yeah, that could be a deciding factor, but Romney's plans in comparison to Obama's? (waaaaaait, is either one doing anything?) I'd go for Obama. Ron Paul? He's the favorite among most people that I know, but I doubt there's any way he'll become the GOP candidate. I think that nowadays, our two main political parties are simply too polarized to accomplish anything.
Somebody please explain to me what besides Christian doctrine prohibits same-sex marriage? The only real basis I've seen for it is that it's considered "unnatural" or "immoral" by the Bible, doesn't produce children, maybe a couple other equally "meh" reasonings, and that's all I've read/heard.
I think that because of the rights and benefits provided by the government in marriage, that unions between homosexual couples ought to be recognized one way or another. If not by marriage, which I guess implies trampling all over religious beliefs (which, y'know, being that we're not a theocracy, shouldn't BE A MAJOR POINT IN THE FIRST PLACE.), then something. Lauren and I listed off some things that a couple gains in marriage, and frankly, I don't see the right in forbidding monogamous (I'm sure there's a better word for this. I'm not feeling so eloquent right now; it's Friday) couples of the same sex these rights/benefits.
There's some debate on Facebook regarding whether or not gay marriage is actually relevant and that we should all stfu about it until the economy and etc are all fixed. That's not the point here. I don't even know where I stand on that. I'm just sayin', what valid reason do we have to oppose ?
Andrea! <3
P.S. - Most of the questions in this post could probably be considered rhetorical.
P.P.S. - I also saw a lovely discussion between Mark and Dillion regarding who'd take us over first - Iran or China. I vote China, even if my Asian is more like Hispanic-rejects-of-the-Asian-world Asian, and I don't think any of the other Asians like us as a whole.
Apparently yesterday, I missed my first period US History teacher tell the rest of my classmates that he wasn't voting for Obama in the upcoming election because Obama came out
Regardless of how it should or should not be a priority in comparison to our economy and education system, which are in desperate need of some asap assistance, I don't understand that as reasoning not to vote for a candidate. If two had the same ideals and around-as-effective plans for the country, yeah, that could be a deciding factor, but Romney's plans in comparison to Obama's? (waaaaaait, is either one doing anything?) I'd go for Obama. Ron Paul? He's the favorite among most people that I know, but I doubt there's any way he'll become the GOP candidate. I think that nowadays, our two main political parties are simply too polarized to accomplish anything.
Somebody please explain to me what besides Christian doctrine prohibits same-sex marriage? The only real basis I've seen for it is that it's considered "unnatural" or "immoral" by the Bible, doesn't produce children, maybe a couple other equally "meh" reasonings, and that's all I've read/heard.
I think that because of the rights and benefits provided by the government in marriage, that unions between homosexual couples ought to be recognized one way or another. If not by marriage, which I guess implies trampling all over religious beliefs (which, y'know, being that we're not a theocracy, shouldn't BE A MAJOR POINT IN THE FIRST PLACE.), then something. Lauren and I listed off some things that a couple gains in marriage, and frankly, I don't see the right in forbidding monogamous (I'm sure there's a better word for this. I'm not feeling so eloquent right now; it's Friday) couples of the same sex these rights/benefits.
There's some debate on Facebook regarding whether or not gay marriage is actually relevant and that we should all stfu about it until the economy and etc are all fixed. That's not the point here. I don't even know where I stand on that. I'm just sayin', what valid reason do we have to oppose ?
Andrea! <3
P.S. - Most of the questions in this post could probably be considered rhetorical.
P.P.S. - I also saw a lovely discussion between Mark and Dillion regarding who'd take us over first - Iran or China. I vote China, even if my Asian is more like Hispanic-rejects-of-the-Asian-world Asian, and I don't think any of the other Asians like us as a whole.
gay marriage,
regrettable posts,
social issues
Thursday, May 10, 2012
More Theatre Shenanigans
I swear that place owns my soul.
Academy Awards,
cell phones,
freakishly long post,
ninja time,
West of Broadway
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Chaos Ensues (A Post That Should Have Happened Over a Month Ago).
I hate it when so much has happened since my last post that I don't know what points to highlight and elaborate upon. Usually when it happens, I chicken out and procrastinate for as long as possible. I nearly wrote this last night, but I stayed awake until six and didn't consider blogging until four. I don't trust myself to make decisions that late at night, because it would probably derail into how much I love a guy who can cutely pull off a fishnet shirt, and that's a post for another time. I'm also being pestered to write on boobs sometime (hi Dillion), so.. I suppose that will also happen eventually. Dearie me.
freakishly long post,
Jesus Christ Superstar,
romantic entanglements,
teenage girl problems,
The Hunger Games,
Procrastination, procrastination, how I excel at thee...
I come to you in the midst of the last several weeks of school, aka the Land of Tests and Projects. I kick ass at tests. Projects, not so much. They tend to require craftiness, something I lack. My last project, a five-page report (part of which I must present to the class), is due Tuesday. Five pages isn't much of a challenge, but I don't find Hamlet a very exciting read. Blasphemous, eh? I've gotten back to reading a bit more, though, mainly 'cause this computer is prehistoric and prone to fits of narcolepsy. I've been nagging at my father to get a new one, but we can't really afford it right now. I'm just frustrated because I feel as if I'm surrounded by faulty technology everywhere. My faithful Playstation 2, which I have owned since I was in... Oh, second grade?, decided to go into perpetual disc error mode a couple months ago, so I can't watch DVDs (the computer dies; the television downstairs is really confusing, and nobody knows how to switch from Dish to the DVD player/VCR. Plus I'd have to share, and I hate it when people watch me when I'm watching tv. Yeah, I only watch cartoons. Problem? ) or play video games. I even gave Colby my Kingdom Hearts II disc... Farewell, my friend. ;-;
Back to reading. My butt is twitching. What the heck is up with that? Ali lent me the first of the True Blood books, so I'm giving it a chance. I also finished the second part of The Bachman Books, and I gave up after it. The Long Walk was a riveting and emotionally challenging story, but I think it played a part in the anxiety attack I had the same night after I read to about the midway point. I don't think I can get through the other two (especially after the plethora of creepypasta I so carelessly consumed the other night), so I need to return the book to Baby Jesus.
Andrea! <3
I come to you in the midst of the last several weeks of school, aka the Land of Tests and Projects. I kick ass at tests. Projects, not so much. They tend to require craftiness, something I lack. My last project, a five-page report (part of which I must present to the class), is due Tuesday. Five pages isn't much of a challenge, but I don't find Hamlet a very exciting read. Blasphemous, eh? I've gotten back to reading a bit more, though, mainly 'cause this computer is prehistoric and prone to fits of narcolepsy. I've been nagging at my father to get a new one, but we can't really afford it right now. I'm just frustrated because I feel as if I'm surrounded by faulty technology everywhere. My faithful Playstation 2, which I have owned since I was in... Oh, second grade?, decided to go into perpetual disc error mode a couple months ago, so I can't watch DVDs (the computer dies; the television downstairs is really confusing, and nobody knows how to switch from Dish to the DVD player/VCR. Plus I'd have to share, and I hate it when people watch me when I'm watching tv. Yeah, I only watch cartoons. Problem? ) or play video games. I even gave Colby my Kingdom Hearts II disc... Farewell, my friend. ;-;
You have no idea how obsessed I was with this game as a seventh grader. |
Andrea! <3
abrupt endings,
Kingdom Hearts,
technological failures
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